There are many options available for someone tasked with selecting an internet service provider. For the average user, choosing a suitable technology may seem like quite a challenge. Digital Subscriber Loop (DSL) is one such. Here are just some reasons why you may wish to look into DSL providers and technology for your internet connectivity needs.
Internet technologies need an infrastructure to bridge the service provider's connection with your home or business, and this infrastructure is the main means by which internet connectivity technologies are categorized. Common choices for such connectivity include cable, satellite or telephone wires. The phone system in particular is a tried and true method, having existed and been improved upon for over a century, and DSL is one of several mechanisms for achieving internet connectivity over standard telephone lines.
Cable is an incredibly popular method for internet connectivity. By piggybacking internet service on top of cable lines, providers can reach wider subscriber bases with little need to install infrastructure. Additionally, cable is fast, and advertised speeds are often greater than those listed by DSL providers. There are other considerations that limit cable internet speed, however, and these should be examined before choosing cable as your means of internet connectivity.
Cable internet services often use a single line to provide internet bandwidth to any given area. In essence, all of the internet connectivity to a neighborhood or section of city is run through a single line and served by a single pool of bandwidth. If your neighbors are using their connections heavily, then the theoretical maximum speeds advertised by your cable company are little more than smoke and mirrors.
Not only does DSL use an existing and proven infrastructure as does cable, but the line between your DSL internet service provider and home or business is exclusively yours. You do not share the line with others and, while its performance does vary based on distance, it will never degrade should others in your neighborhood use more bandwidth. As internet connectivity becomes increasingly important, so does your reliance on its high speeds and bandwidth, and having those speeds change based on others' use will become increasingly less acceptable.
Satellite internet connectivity is becoming increasingly popular in recent years. Rather than using a wired infrastructure, satellite internet services offer comparable speed without the need for cables or phone lines. Sometimes satellite internet connectivity is your only choice, particularly in remote areas where wired infrastructure is more difficult to come by. Furthermore, satellite internet connectivity requires the installation of dishes, which are often unsuitable for use in some situations, or which cannot be installed due to lease or other legal considerations. Should you be too remote for DSL service, satellite connectivity is a great choice. In all other situations, however, opting for a DSL internet service provider is usually the best choice.
There are many tools available to those shopping for DSL internet service providers. Websites such as provide rich databases of location-based reviews, often from users right in your neighborhood. Furthermore, many companies offer introductory promotions and other great offers to get you connected quickly and efficiently. If you wish to purchase internet service, investigating DSL service providers is not only a great choice, but there is also no shortage of information available to help you make the best selection.